Notice of Town of Mercer Comprehensive Plan Update

The Mercer Planning Commission is beginning to update the Town of Mercer Comprehensive Plan. The plan is a vision of growth that community members wish for the town in the next 20 years.  The plan must be updated by 2025.

It is imperative to receive public input for this document to be valid in reflecting the vision of the town’s people. Attached is a copy of a Public Notice detailing the specifics about the process of updating the document and its importance.  The Commissioners are requesting that you share the information on the notice with your members/associates and urge them to share it with their friends and neighbors.  Because of your members/associates current involvement in community affairs, their input will be greatly appreciated in the topic areas listed on the notice.

Please see the attached update newsletter jan 2024  If you have any questions regarding the TOWN OF MERCER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN update or other questions for the Planning Commission, feel free to contact the town office.

Now is the time to make sure we plan to make Mercer all that it can be in the next 20 years.!